🤯 I Literally Spent The Entire Weekend On The SEO Course... And I Loved It!

Hi there!

They say you never work a day in your life when you do what you love. For me, that love is SEO.

Creating my first SEO course has been an amazing experience. SEO is my passion, and I've put more into this course than I ever thought possible. This past weekend, I dedicated myself entirely to working on the course, and it feels awesome.

I’ll be spending many more weekends on it to make sure it becomes the best course in SEO auditing on earth.

To celebrate SEOSLY's fourth birthday, I'm excited to launch my first SEO course. This course covers something I know best and have been doing for years: SEO auditing with my detailed approach.

I've been earning a living from SEO audits and charging premium rates thanks to my unique, detective-like methods. Now, I want to share these techniques with you.

The early bird presale for the SEO Audit Mastery course ends on July 31, 2024. If you’re interested, now is the perfect time to join. I'd love to have you in the course.

The full course will eventually be priced at $5,000 (the starting price of my SEO audits), but I'm offering a huge discount for early birds: Until July 31: $749 (85% off)

You can learn more about the corse on my website: seosly.com/seo-course/

Thanks for being part of my journey so far.


P.S. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just want to chat. I'm here to help! Also, once the sale is over, the email pace will return to normal.

SEO Newsletter by #SEOSLY: SEO Newsletter by an SEO for SEOs

Hi, I’m Olga Zarr. I’m a professional SEO consultant with over a decade of experience. SEO isn’t just my career—it’s also my biggest passion and hobby. .

Read more from SEO Newsletter by #SEOSLY: SEO Newsletter by an SEO for SEOs

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